Eclipse photos

Here are some photos from the total eclipse, from Cleveland. We went to a luncheon and eclipse talk at Case Western Reserve University, then went out on the lawn to watch with a bunch of college students. (Evan opted to walk back to her apartment and watch it from the lawn, with her cat, so she's not pictured.)


You can see the difference in the amount of light during totality. It didn't get midnight-dark, because the entire horizon was still lit up. I guess we were seeing beyond the path of totality. It looked like sunset, except in all directions.

And finally, here's my sad little photo of the eclipse itself. This is not really what it looked like, photos can't do it justice!

I also wrote about it on my personal blog, minus the photos containing family members, if you want to read it.


  1. That's cool that you were able to get together to watch it. And it is difficult to get a good photo of the sun, the moon, the stars, my photos never capture what I'm seeing.


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